Friday, November 27, 2020

All I Need Is Love And Yoga And Surfing Vintage Retro T Shirt

You’re looking to connectwith some like minded people in yourarea you can check out our free localmeetup groups at minimalist org we leftbehind a All I Need Is Love And Yoga And Surfing Vintage Retro T Shirt hundred free local meetupgroups in eight different countries lasttime we went on a big tour and a lot ofthose groups are flourishing and if youdon’t have a group near you don’t worrythat’s okay we have an online city soyou can meet with folks online as welljust go to minimalist org to find yourcity if you found value in this podcastwe really hope you do then pleasecomment on iTunes let us know what youliked what you didn’t like you can alsosubscribe to the minimalists via emailand if you want to support this podcastit’s 100 advertisement free because ofpeople like you you can just donate abuck over at the minimalists com slashdonate you can find links to everythingwe mentioned today in our show notes theminimalists comm slash podcast and asalways we hope you found value in ourpodcast and if you leave here with justone message we hope it’s this lovepeople and use things. I wasactually in Spokane at the time Iremember getting some call. To his things and I really did I hearI hold him very near and dear to myheart he didn’t have as much as you yourmother might have had he has some thingsso you know and I’m trying to reallyfind a happy spot in life right now howdid that help you grieve Bingaman aminimalist yeah that helped you grievehow does it help you cope with your lifeyou know I mean I get it I get I get ridof my stuff on a daily basis and I havenot many things I accept the simplethings in life I don’t ask for much Idon’t ask for anything from anybody youknow and I have not much but I need helpreeving sure you know in and I’m alwaysthrowing away things because I’m likeyou know what I don’t need this stuff Idon’t need it and you know if I get ridof it I won’t have as much I don’t haveas much to worry aboutso it’s like you know what kind of stuffdid your dad leave by I’m just justlittle trinkets do you use some of itthough yeah man and you know and I useda lot of life lessons my dad was areally cool guy you know I used a lot oflifeless I can’t a

Source: All I Need Is Love And Yoga And Surfing Vintage Retro T Shirt

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Dressed up likeSanta Claus and it’s okay to believe inhim as an imaginary figure and I the theillustration that I used to explainSanta Claus to her was she loveswatching this cartoon this Britishcartoon called Peppa Pig and clearly shedoesn’t believe those are real peopleshe knows that those are made upcharacters and that if I were to put aPeppa Pig costume on I wouldn’t becomePeppa Pig I would just be a All I Need Is Love And Yoga And Surfing Vintage Retro T Shirt imaginarycharacter I’d be dressed up as animaginary character and Santa Claus isit is the same thing so I’m not going totell her I’m not going to lie to her butat the same time I don’t want her to beI don’t want her to be the kid who goesaround you know telling kids that Santaisn’t real and it’s not her position torain on everyone else’s parade eitherand so the her father and I may havedifferent beliefs about about manydifferent things and I think I think thekey here is to just be open and honestwith her and and to communicate with hereven even though she’s three years oldto find ways to communicate with withElla effectively. Of Legos because they werethere and it was something that that Ithought I could get a lot of use out ofbut but sometimes when we think we’regiving our children those those I sayour children like I have gauge which bythe way I understand how ironic this isthat Josh and I are talking about kidsyou know it’s interesting cuz we used toget with we’d be on tour like like in2014 or we did 35 stops in 2015 thatseemed like a blip compared to theprevious year right right but we’d beout on the road and people say you knowdo you have any tips for you knowminimalist parenting and we just caughtsome kind of look at them and say ah nono really because it was like hey here’sa couple at the time 32 year old singleguys who didn’t have kids and it’s easyfor you know single young guys withoutkids to I say yeah hesitated sayingyoung we’re still young right I’ll takeit to give out advice I mean cuz youknow we can give out draconian adviceyeah you just have to get rid of all oftheir stuff and force them to beminimalist but of course that’s. Into yeah so we have thisChristmas tree on top of
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