Monday, December 7, 2020

A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt

Over theyears and I have not been treated aswell by by a A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt venue then we have here andthank you all for just giving us such agreat welcome yeah amenyou can tell the team whether it’s thelighting or the audio or just the peoplethat cook does dinner here tonight theyare like a family and it’s just it’s sorefreshing to see that a place like thisexists you never know what you’re goingto get when you show up you never knowreally what to expect and I try to go init without any expectations but thisplace clearly has very high standards sowe’re just really grateful that youallowed us into into your home heretonight and I really want to thank allI’m gonna take a couple other people tooConrad’s back there filming this wedon’t know what we’re going to do withwhat we’re filming right now and that’sso as I mentioned we started this thingsix years ago we just went out on theroad and sort of listening to people andwe would tell a story like I this isgoing to kill and people are likecrickets like and and because we didn’thave anything really. A huge distraction for me becauselike as soon as I get on facebook andI’ll like check all my notifications ohmy do try to stay up with those um justbecause I feel bad about ignoring peoplebut then I’ll be like you know donechecking my notifications and I’ll belike all right I’m just gonna scroll fora little bit and now I’m in a fight soso yeah I would just don’t do that allat once and you know what let’s sayyou’ll see you get rid of internet forexample and after a month it’s like youreally feel deprived like there’ssomething like it was obviously addingvalue to bring it back in you know againminimalism isn’t about deprivation Joshdid that with his phone he got rid ofhis phone for it was like three monthsright it was two months and it was rightafter I got rid of it was a fewafter I got rid of home internet so Ilived without home internet for fiveyears and it was a very productive fiveyears and and I can tell you the firstmonth that I did that it was sostressful but then when I got rightbefore I got rid of TV and. Yeah so Iwon’t I’ll pack a pair of shorts toexercise in I will pack man I’ll pack afew weeks worth of t shirts weeks worthunderwear weeks worth of socksunless it’s summertime then I’ll justwear a pair of toms with no logos onthem and call it a day man coffee kitoh yes the most important thing yeahit’s like well even like we’re going toChicago here soon and for a talk we’regiving we’re gonna do some like mediastuff up there yeah but when this comesout we’ll be on be in Chicago when WindyCity live as well oh yeah that’s rightbut uh but what I was gonna say is likeI know there’s awesome coffee in Chicagouh huh so I don’t necessarily need tobring the coffee kit but like you knowstaying at an Airbnb or a hotel orsomething I still need the coffee cakebecause like I mean Hotel coffeesalright it’s so much nicer man you gotto like good beans someone like yeah Idon’t I don’t yeah it’s it’s the onething I’m not really embarrassed toadmit I’m addicted to there are worsethings to be addicted to yeah yeah yeahand so addiction

Source: A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt

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A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt
A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt

See more: My Favorite Marine Calls Me Dad T Shirt

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To do a A Little One A Two Three Four Five Six Seven T Shirt lightninground after that wait last five here’sseven okay let’s let’s do these four andthen anyone who has a lightning roundquestion you can ask a quick questionwe’ll give you a tweetable answer to itokay so come on out we’ll give youtweetable answer howdy what’s your namehi how are you great how are you hiMarissa they see me Marissa yeah um so Iguess the biggest question I have foryou guys in an indirect manner notdirectly related to monetary needs Iguess is you guys have seemed to foundlike a huge life purpose throughminimalism and is there any advice thatyou would have for everyone in theaudience as toI guess finding that life purpose andthat life path because you guys seem sofulfilled through what you do so anyadvice that you would have for anyone inthe audience defining that yeahdefinitely so a few things one is getreally clear on what your values are soso if you don’t know what your valuesare that’s really the foundation uponwhich everything else is built and Ithink for a long time I I paid a lipservice. With him and I waslike yeah you know like I really want toget healthier and yeah I’m to thinkabout doing this juice fast like he’s aI think I’d have done juice fast beforethat but the longest juice fast I haveever been on it was because of stan likehe challenged me for ten days um we wewere there to like support each other iwas going I was looking at our text theother day I don’t know why they came upbut uh but I was looking just kind oflike reminiscing um conversations we hadand I was just like going through thatthat stint of where we were on thatjuice fast how like if it was not forstaying I don’t think I would have madestaying I don’t think I would have madeit ten days yeah you know yeah man it’suh I think about so he died he had aheart attack at age 36 and he was a bigguy NFL linebacker size guy and he hadheart problems even though and he wasliving a very healthy life when you getidea I mean it was point of the Jewsfats like he was going out of his way tolike exercise and like eat healthy hedid another juice. Phoenixafter that huge city huge crowds therethat’ll be great back to the Midwest st Louis Kansas City andgonna try to get all three of thosecities and then we’re headed the SouthHouston Austin Dallas Oklahoma Cityhaven’t been to any of those placesexcept Dallas since 2014Louisville NashvilleCharlotte Birmingham Alabama Atlanta andTampa these are all cities we’re gonnatry to get to and then of course yeswhat about Australia what about Europeand Asia and South America and AfricaAntarctica yeah yeah sure and and andthe 8th continent Alaska I would totallydo we should like at some point weshould do an Inc was it killable we wentto every country or no we’re not goingevery country no not every country Iknow I could never talk you in everycountry but we could do every continentand we could totally do something inAntarctica man so I know we have I knowat least we have one listener out therein Antarctica so let’s just talk aboutthis if all goes well in North Americawe would love to take the lessons nowtour to your country
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