Sunday, November 15, 2020

That's What I Do I Play Drums And I Know Things Colorful T Shirt

A elementary school out in Laosand Ryan you you went out to the grandopening of that earlier this year theawesome in interacting with all theseelementary school kids sixty six of themin total yeah and and I mean they had itwas like a That's What I Do I Play Drums And I Know Things Colorful T Shirt shack pretty much before themand yeah yeah the old school was like itwas literally a shack with mud floorsand dirt floors every time it rained cuzthere were holes in the ceiling like itwould make mud on the floor so likethey’d have to cancel school mhm andthen it was two classrooms in this shackwith a wall that was like four foot highdividing the classrooms so like theteachers were constantly over talkingeach other it was it was unbelievablethey unbelievably like yeah just a shackthat’s a good way to a good way todescribe it they may do with theresources they have but I didn’t havemany resources but grateful to be ableto provide those resources andcontribute if you have been with ourwork for a while you know Ryan and Ithink the meaning of life is growth incontribution and so all these thingswe’re. Gift that you you gave themso if you are buying. Power of giving to and doing forothers for me passion equals pressureinstead I’m following my curiosities andmy love of learning if that leads to apassion then that’s great and if notthat’s okay too because I will havelearned a lot along the waythank you for spreading the message indefining and affirming what I’ve beenworking on for years I really appreciatewhat you’re both doing alright that’s itfor this episode folks if you have aquestion for the minimalist let’s see ifI remember the phone number without ascript Ryan it’s 406 to 1 9 7 8 3 9 ifyou do call us and leave a question or atip make sure you you write down youryour question or tip beforehand it’llhelp you be more articulate and it willgreatly increase your chances ofreaching the airwaves are these airwavesnow I don’t even know let’s just let’sjust sign off and yeah if you leave herewith one message we hope it’s this lovepeople and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you think that’s meevery

Source: That's What I Do I Play Drums And I Know Things Colorful T Shirt

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I willjournal on my iPhone and I literallyhave a That's What I Do I Play Drums And I Know Things Colorful T Shirt note right now that’s probably 50pages long it just starts with date andthen my thoughts and then next datethoughts and it’s just a note that Ikeep on my iPhone it’s very similar toseems like it’s very similar togratitude journaling which yeah whichI’ve done before I’ve done the fiveminute journal before I don’t have ajournal practice regularly and if you’reasking what tools we use I’ll tell youthis I don’t really care like I I’m lessconcerned I don’t care what pencilsStephen King used to to pin his lastbook these pencils to pin books anywaybut if you’re really interested there’ssome software programs I use so Iactually used the memo pad a lot towrite on now memo pad on the computer soI have oh yeah a MacBook and Iof an iPhone and it syncs up between thetwo of them and I have an infinitenumber of notes every I have a list of200 300 different blog post ideas fordifferent essays and and different listsjust different thing as soon as ideacomes to me you better believe. To your houseand I just remember thinking like eitherlike Josh’s. Abandoned I don’t know how longit’s been abandoned I find a guess I’dsay 20 years or soand it’s very post apocalyptic butgorgeous I don’t know if you everwatching those videos on like YouTube oranywhere is this it’s in Griffith ParkGriffith partners yeah which is you knowwhere the Hollywood sign is okay yeahyeah it’s I mean Griffith Park is likethis massive massive park theobservatories there it’s right in themiddle of LA as weird though becauseyou’re in the middle of Los Angeles oneof the most populous cities in in thecountry but you’re in the middle ofnature as well because you’re in thishuge expansive Park and there’s thisabandoned Zoo there and it was peoplewho animals just got up and left yeahyeah I think they were on strike andjust never came back I don’t know howthat works people who live in LA areprobably appalled right now like youidiot it’s it’s actually not you know Imean I’m sure I’m getting some of thedetails wrong but it was it was reallyamazing and so it was a great trip andthen I came back here
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