Friday, November 13, 2020

That's What I Do I Pontoon I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt

TO MOVE AND SHIFT AND THEN TAKE MOVE FORWARD AND TRY TO PUT DOWN SOME OF THESE CRAZY THINGS THAT ARE GOING ON NEXT AS THIS IS REPARATIONS THE BLM CHICAGO DEFENDS LOOTING HOLDS RALLY FOR PROTEST FOR HOLDS RALLY FOR PROTESTERS ARRESTED IN SUNDAY’S RIOTS SO WHAT YOU’RE SEEING NOW IS THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS THEY ARE LETTING GO OF ANY PROTESTERS THAT ARE ARRESTED BY THE POLICE THE DAS IN AND ANYBODY CONNECTED INTERNALLY THEY’RE LETTING GO OF ALL THESE PEOPLE LIKE MAD PRESENT SO IT’S VERY DEFEATING FOR THE POLICE TO BASICALLY HAVE TO ROUND UP PEOPLE THEY’VE ARTIE BASICALLY ARRESTED BEFORE SO THIS IS VERY DEMORALIZING AND TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENTS AND SOME OF THE CITIES ALSO CHICAGO STATE ATTORNEY KEN FOX DISMISSED MORE THAN 25 000 FELONY CASES IN HER FIRST THREE YEARS POLICE UNIT AND ASK THE FEDS TO STEP AND THAT THIS IS A That's What I Do I Pontoon I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt REAL CRITICAL EXAMPLE OF THE DEEP STATE AND OBVIOUSLY THIS DESTRUCTION THAT THEY WANTED TO WREAK AND DEFTLY THE CITY OF CHICAGO ALLOWING 25 000 FELONY CASES TO ACTUALLY BE RELEASED SO STUNNING STUNNING. Very much standby with me will be back to you for any new information lindsay dunkel is our senior washington editor bringing a sad part of our extended special coverage for use morning looking live at the white house we know the us numbers us leave the world ignominiously in terms of the number of people with coded 19 more than 207 000 people have died in these recent months more than 7 million had become infected on the vast majority have recovered but the united states response to cove in 19 frankly bewildered much of the world certainly been criticized by many in the president’s response particularly now all of this coming very close to home with the president and his wife now with a positive diagnosis let’s try to look into this a little bit more deeply from a health perspective doctors in my chakra buying is with disease specialist trillion health partners is a frequent guest on cbc news network and dr were glad to have you on this day of such a stunning that a breaking news and just curious about. Dr fucking cuties and then impregnating your fucking cousin I think white people have done a whole lot in this country all my God stop doing right now Billy wants this to put down white people because one white guys appeases you my God white fog white people not exclusively to the moderate assist I’m sorry but like listen but here’s the thing here’s the thing if if if you’re the mind if you’re of the light predilection right now to draw the line in the sand right now and it’s not just as I’ve been literally drinking likewise all fucking day whites cause white God white was in the basement try to lose weight I’m sorry am a big fat fuck a white guy I’m trying to lose weight anyway that’s all for this report what listen okay Joe I understand right now if you can person gets really upset by the fact that I say like Buck white people and fuck you and fuck you grow fucking spine man like Jesus fucking Christ you cannot so honestly tell me if you’re sitting there in your fucking living room in your fucking stained

Source: That's What I Do I Pontoon I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt

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And and see the quote for what it’s also current events they can lie about current events but they can lie about the narrative surrounding the current and before we read that article just check this page out one more time which I miss any alerts dialogue back in the second you okay that’s it me to catch a That's What I Do I Pontoon I Drink Beer And I Know Things T Shirt quick shot and was unusually shy and miss anybody that donated give me I. Harris at my side in that battle because she shares with the same intensity I see someone who knows what’s at stake the question is all Americans to answer who are we as a nation when we stand for most importantly what do we want to be no someone who knows the future this country is limited only by the barriers we place on our own imaginations because it is nothing. Postal Service on transit customer satisfaction with 100 and it was ridiculous to follow story recently about a woman who went to the post office at 2 PM and 606 55 area code and found a sign on the door that says closed for lunch the Postal Service like it was a bakeshop and I sent a note to the Postal Service and got back inside their investigation showed the post office wasn’t closed and the sign was put there by the court Was the woman who went there told me all the lights were off the door was locked and nobody was there so you tell me if it’s a lie but this is the chatter tactics are happening with the Postal Service under the joy because these changes that he wants to make two make a proposal conference of the Postal Service how I don’t imagine that casualty occupied before on Friday and house committee next week went out front was unfortunately this isn’t about people not getting her medication and their unemployment checks and bills that they need to pay this is about the election in November and
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