Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Tennis Is The Best Solution To Any Problem T Shirt

After a Tennis Is The Best Solution To Any Problem T Shirt woman received 15 parking tickets in three years she finally had enough now a federal appeals court has found that chalking for parking enforcement is indeed unconstitutional. Sooooo miss north dressed herself and thought she was ready for the day until I explained she couldn t wear my boots. Hey woody stop promoting the preventing solutions fraud greta but do promote the real environmental solutions the world needs my daily email to greta here greta start fb page purge with your fraudulent page then go home you pos yahoo sent to canada jaspernatlparkgeneral schoolstrike4climate info jay inslee elizabeth warren livelihood awards julia ourchildrenstrust org natpubservant dancrenshawscheduler nbc news team sunrisemovement org canadaunivsaskatchean profjohnpomeroygreta berniesanders huffingtonpost scoop projectveritas tips fridaysforfutureus united nations canadaenvirminister genemail oneyuongworld partnership climate reality project intercept cofounder cbsnews nydesk info kamalaharris org gretathunbergmedia gmail com oneyoungworld communityrelations may boeve peteforamerica info united nations intercept edinchief bill 350 org carthagegroup info nobelprize info scheduling vanhollen senate gov intercept submissions donald j trump for president mary martin media mothersoutfront info strikewithus info envir wedonthavetimedotorgfoundgreta natpubservant merkleyorscheduling donald j trump one info canadapm justintrudeau thisiszerohour info natpubservantheinrichnm oneyoungworld press united nations tiffany fitzhenry hide oct 25 at 10 52 pm greta you can’t post here insult you want fake facebook pages purged well facebook needs to start with your fraudulent page you preventing solutions fraud then go home go to school or better yet go turn yourself into the international police for being the global fraud you are get on it free the world of your preventing solutions fraudulent self right now then get facebook to purge the you go greta page you go greta accepeted me I followed their rules this is a page cheering you on and announcing how desperate the world is for solutions I posted the email I sent to you and canada the other night then I posted it to 3 4 no more than 5 other posts and within hours this seeking solutions page blocked me because your fan club is as fraudulent as you are so bye bye you can’t post insult greta purge your facebook page end your fraud reject the livelihood award those people aren’t responsible or respectible enough to not give you even though I prove to them daily that you are a preventing solutions fraud this is what you have and continue to prevent 1 end global environmental illiteracy which is our biggest environmental problem 2 end our disposable society from homes to fast food to stadium concessions to packaging and transportation packaging 3 gain individual cooperation because everyone replacing many irresponsible daily action s with responsible actions is the needed solution 4 leadership by example which doesn’t exist today but I will provide 5 hemp whi ch just got legalized but i’ve been calling for for decades and needs to be used for everything and last 6 clean energy which is needed but hasn’t been achieved in 5 decades and at best is a decade away but the first 5 in the ee agenda are achievable immediately and would have solved our global environmental problems decades ago had anyone allowed solutions since nov 93 everyone else either finally get on solutions or close your fraudulent doors too like i’ve told you to do endless times same for the fake new even the won’t print truth glen greenwald and his insufficient intercept eileen connors the environmental educator environmentaleducator org

Source: Tennis Is The Best Solution To Any Problem T Shirt

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