Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White

My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt I thought it odd as weirdly I’ve been there and it’s the My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt in addition I really love this back of beyond but I didn’t really think that much about it at the time. The Russians are going to want that £80,000 he personally received from them, back. Its an eye for an eye situationThey must be screwing up big time if they’re cranking up the Blame Russia rhetoric Borisov Johnsonski is not happy.Well, they got Brexit and the party they donated large sums of money to is in power, so I’d say the Russians were pretty successful. No one has asked to look in to the effect on our democracy AND the PM LIED. Not surprising given how readily our Tory Government accepts millions in donations from Russian oligarchs and people with links to the Kremlin.The weaker the EU, the more they laugh in Russia, China and the Trumptower WhiteHouse. As everyone is really intelligent and well researched on every topic, wasn’t this report a total waste of time. Spoiler alert: SFA is a hot favourite)Considering the alternative was a Corbyn lead government I don’t see why Russia needed to bother in the first place.It was getting bad due to online shopping but covid has been the final nail in the coffin for many. I am from Bournemouth and went down the high street the other day, shocking to see how many shops are shutting. However, I think this is totally demoralising for nurses, other healthcare workers, supermarket staff, HGV drivers and for all who have worked throughout the pandemic these workers should be given the rise that they deserve. Buy this shirt:  My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was at a grocery store last week late at night as I wanted to avoid crowds. There was a line where people had to stand for social distancing. When it was my turn I started putting my items on the The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories shirt But I will love this conveyor belt. There was a guy behind me with one bottle of Sake. He kept inching towards me as I was putting my stuff on the belt, closer and closer, he kept coming. Finally, I turned to him and asked him to please stay on the line. He started telling me that he was 5′11 and as far as he was concerned that he was in compliance. I told him, no, you are about 2 feet from me. Oh well, I guess he was inebriated but I was not about to get into it with him.This happened to me yesterday at the grocery store. Because of Covid19 the aisles are now one way with arrows on the floor in tape to show us which way to go and reminders to stay at least 6 feet apart. This is to keep people from passing each other in the aisles, thereby coming too close to each other. I was selecting coffee when a man approached me going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. He was not wearing a mask or gloves. Before he got too close to me I said, “sir, this is a one way aisle; please turn around.” He pushed his cart into mine and loudly proclaimed “that’s f-ing retarded and I ain’t doing it!” Then proceeded to “fake” cough in my direction. I quickly backed down the aisle and headed to the checkout area.The rudest thing that happened to me, happened by someone I know. I was online in the supermarket. It was early Monday morning as I worked from home and it was the easiest time to be in there. I was checking out and just finished loading my groceries on the belt. Suddenly my friend’s mother barrels in front of me and drops her stuff in front of me. “Oh, I am so glad I saw you. I am running late this morning and I promised I would bring breakfast for everyone. You have all day and no-one will notice when you start.” I replied, “Sorry Joan I have a call in 10 and I need to get home to take it.” Her response, “That’s OK you will be home on time, you can unpack while you are on your call.” She then turns to the cashier, “That’s OK she is fine with me going first.” Buy this shirt:  The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt I worked at a local grocery store and I was in line and I saw these group of girls being rung up by my co worker. The girls had a lot of items in their cart and when they were getting ready to pay their card was declined so they decided to pay in cash which led then to have to put some items back. While they were doing that a very tall guy behind them sneered at them while he said “you don’t gotta be holding up the St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt But I will love this line”. The girls just looked at him as if it was a joke then that guy said ”maybe you should not have gotten so much stuff in your cart”. I saw him starting to get angry and yell at these girls then one of the girls said “well maybe you should keep your comments to yourself dickhead”. I looked at them and they started to argue with the man who then said “maybe you should make more money then I mean why did you put that stuff in your cart if you can’t afford it?” Then the girls got like hostile and threatened to beat this guy up they had enough so they just walked out of the store while they said “rude and disrespectful beat your ass right now” afterwards my co worker rang up that man and I saw them mocking those girls after they left and my co worker had the audacity to agree with that man by telling him that they were wasting their time. I thought the whole thing was messed up if that customer did that in front of me I would have kicked him out of my line.I said “Excuse me, ma’am, would you mind if I went ahead of you? I’m in a hurry and I only have one item.” She gave me a nasty look and said “No. I’m in a hurry too.” I waited while the clerk rang up her items. The customer disputed the price of nearly every item as it was rung up, making the clerk explain to her what the correct price was. Finally all the items were rung up. The customer then reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of coupons and shuffled through it looking for ones that corresponded to her purchases. She handed about eight coupons to the clerk. Buy this shirt:  St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Release the snyder cut shirt I was the Release the snyder cut shirt In addition,I will do this cashier. Neither Customer A nor Customer B directly behind her had placed the little divider bar on the conveyor belt between their grocery orders, so it was impossible to see exactly where Customer A’s items left off and Customer B’s began. Neither of them said anything when I reached the end of one order and the beginning of another. I picked up a can of condensed soup and began to run it over the scanner, and suddenly Customer A reached out and slapped my hand so hard the can went flying out of my grip and landed back on the belt.“That’s not mine! What the hell are you doing? I’m not paying for her groceries!”I was too shocked for any meaningful reaction. I didn’t point out to her that I had no way of knowing it wasn’t her item, or that if I had scanned it into her order I could have easily taken it back off in a matter of seconds. It didn’t occur to me to report it to anyone, since it was a very economically depressed area where everyone was so desperate for any kind of employment that workers had no power over working conditions. Any complaint from a customer in that place resulted in immediate termination, and the customer’s word was always taken over the worker’s.So I just mumbled an apology and got her out of there as quickly as I could. My hand hurt, but it wasn’t injured or anything and was fine by the next day. But I’ll never forget that feeling of numb shock. Another day in the same job, this old guy I was checking out pointed at a picture of Oprah on the cover of a magazine in the rack by the register, leaned in, and said, “I don’t care what anyone says; she’s just another uppity n——.” I don’t know if he was trying to get a rise out of me or if he just assumed that as a small-town white person I would automatically agree with him, but again, I was just too surprised to react. I just finished his order as fast as possible without saying anything.So a few of you have asked why I didn’t park my cart at the beginning of the conveyor belt (the side furthest from the cashier) so this couldn’t/wouldn’t happen. Made sense. Buy this shirt:  Release the snyder cut shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt It was a few years ago and I was a new Supervisor in a very complex new technology being implemented to the I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt in addition I really love this the place of mechanical analog switching gear. The best brains were hired from all around the nation into the group. One of the seasoned and experienced supervisors ( very arrogant too) came to my desk with a stack of hardware/software trouble tickets. It was about 300 tickets. It was a Monday morning and he told me they all needed to be fixed by Friday – no exceptions. I took the tickets and didn’t understand any if them. I went to my team of techs and asked how do we fix these. They no idea. The supervisor continued to beat on me verbally everyday. The Friday came and as I again went through the tickets I noticed something. These tickets were over a year old!!! Why in the hell had they just get so critical!! He was just trying to jerk me around and put pressure on me. And we were equal levels of management! He had no right to assign me work. When he came over to my desk and towered over me he said how many have you gotten fixed? I said get away from my desk….. he didn’t move. I got angry and threw the whole stack of tickets at him and probably threw out a few expletives also. He crumbled like a sand castle being washed away by high tide. Never had a problem with him again.In these two incidents both these workers were quiet and kept to themselves and did their work as they were supposed to do. They never participated in gossip and just did their works but I think that this is also a case of where power is given to the wrong people. These supervisors thought they could talk and treat people however they wanted because of their status in the job and many people weren’t going to deal with their bs. I can write a book about all the bullying that took place before I worked up until the day I quit. The franchise manager was no better. Buy this shirt:  I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White I eventually transferred departments but got disqualified for pouring water onto a woman’s coat for giving me attitude. I went back to my old team and by that time, everyone hated me. I tried to talk to Phyllis but sh wasn’t having it at all. So I called her a Black Bitch out of spite and team leader (Gary) yelled at me to leave the Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White but I will buy this shirt and I will love this team and go to the manager’s desk. He wouldn’t let me get my coat and I blacked out and punched Phyllis so hard that she stumbled and fell over. Gary beat my ass so bad that 3 people had to restrain him and he had tears of rage in his eyes. My supervisor called security and ran and grabbed me and drug me to the HR office.I was a senior in college and had just turned twenty one. There was a very popular bar in the next big town over from mine, and a good friend (I’ll call him John, to keep his name private) had been promising to take me there on the first Saturday after that special birthday. John and I had gone through high school together and were good friends for almost eight years by now.I was so excited to go to this fancy bar for my first time ever. Even though I didn’t drink, John said it was a “rite of passage” and he’d be there for me. John was a tackle for our college football team, and was HUGE. His best friend, Al, was also on the team, and I think he was even bigger. They hung out a lot together and teased me about being so naive, so John and his friend decided they would BOTH be my escorts that evening.We drove up on Saturday evening around nine, when John and Al told me the bar would be packed and the most fun. They were right… it was jammed and had a large crowd trying to get into the door. There were a couple men checking the IDs, and one yelled in my face for mine. His manner was a little intimidating, but I immediately opened my wallet, intending to hand over my license. He shoved me backwards, and when he grabbed at my wallet my “good luck” coin flew out and rolled across the bar floor and was lost among the peanut shells. Buy this shirt:  Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt I worked as a babysitter and had a little business making custom pinatas for birthday parties when I was 12 and up, but got a part-time job at a Taco Bell when I was 16. I really wanted to work in the Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Besides,I will do this kitchen, but at that time (mid-1970s) only males were hired for those positions. The manager had me do clean-up jobs after the store closed, and would often stand there chatting at me while I did them. One night the male fry-cook also came to stand and stare at me while I was on my knees wiping down the nooks that held supplies (napkins, utensils, etc). They started verbally ganging up on me. I stood up, said “I quit!”, gathered up my things (don’t remember if I had a uniform or how that was handled), and left. The manager’s mouth was hanging open in shock. The company contacted me, I told them what happened. I have no idea what if any ramifications ensued.I took vocational training my senior year in high school as I needed to have a job as soon as I graduated. It was toll-operator training for AT&T, back in the days when phone operators still answered to “O” and credit-card calls and collect calls were handled by actual human beings who connected cords (old school!). The second semester, we worked part time in the office. From the beginning, the supervisor didn’t like me. After I graduated I only lasted a few months in the job because I noticed that she called me in for reviews much more frequently than anyone else and constantly criticized me. Her supervisors did an exit interview with me (because they had invested in my training), in which I told them I was being reviewed more frequently than anyone else. They asked me to wait while they checked, and they returned to say that in fact I was correct, I was being harassed, and offered me a much better job with management potential. I told them there was no way I was staying in a place where individuals could be treated like that, and split. Buy this shirt:  Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Yes, and the Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt and I love this wrong target he picked on was me. About a year and a half ago, my car broke down and I had no choice but to take the bus. I hated it and prayed I would soon save up enough money to get my car fixed. There is a bus stop in front of the hospital where I work, and I had to sprint out there to catch the bus on time every night. I would wait on the curb so I could look down the street and see if the bus was coming. When I saw how a car jump the curb a few yards away and run up on the sidewalk, I started standing on the sidewalk closer to the bench where it was safer. Another employee of the hospital would ride his bike on the sidewalk behind me and scream at me to get out of his way as he rode past. The first time it happened, I nearly jumped out of my skin. WTF?! I looked at his back as he pedaled away and then looked at where I was standing. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with where I was! I wasn’t blocking a designated bike path, I was on a walkway assigned to pedestrians. I blew it off and put it out of my mind. The next night, it happened again. This time, I couldn’t hear what he said because I was wearing my earphones. I discovered that listening to music on my phone through earphones was a wonderful deterrent for unwanted conversation from drunks, and I used mine often with religious zeal. The harassment at the bus stop continued to happen night after night. I tried changing my position, but it didn’t help. One night, when the bus had pulled up and opened its doors, he deliberately rode very slowly in front of me, blocking my way, so that I couldn’t board the bus before the doors closed. I shouted to the driver to wait, but he left and the guy on the bike took off down the street. I had to wait another forty minutes for the next bus home, and I still had to get up early for work the next day. I was really pissed, but determined to do something about it. The hateful little bast–d had made it personal, and the reason no longer mattered. The next day at work, I discussed the problem with a friend of mine, and thought over a few suggestions we had tossed back and forth. Buy this shirt:  Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt I thought it odd as weirdly I’ve been there and it’s the My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt in addition I really love this back of beyond but I didn’t really think that much about it at the time. The Russians are going to want that £80,000 he personally received from them, back. Its an eye for an eye situationThey must be screwing up big time if they’re cranking up the Blame Russia rhetoric Borisov Johnsonski is not happy.Well, they got Brexit and the party they donated large sums of money to is in power, so I’d say the Russians were pretty successful. No one has asked to look in to the effect on our democracy AND the PM LIED. Not surprising given how readily our Tory Government accepts millions in donations from Russian oligarchs and people with links to the Kremlin.The weaker the EU, the more they laugh in Russia, China and the Trumptower WhiteHouse. As everyone is really intelligent and well researched on every topic, wasn’t this report a total waste of time. Spoiler alert: SFA is a hot favourite)Considering the alternative was a Corbyn lead government I don’t see why Russia needed to bother in the first place.It was getting bad due to online shopping but covid has been the final nail in the coffin for many. I am from Bournemouth and went down the high street the other day, shocking to see how many shops are shutting. However, I think this is totally demoralising for nurses, other healthcare workers, supermarket staff, HGV drivers and for all who have worked throughout the pandemic these workers should be given the rise that they deserve. Buy this shirt:  My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was at a grocery store last week late at night as I wanted to avoid crowds. There was a line where people had to stand for social distancing. When it was my turn I started putting my items on the The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories shirt But I will love this conveyor belt. There was a guy behind me with one bottle of Sake. He kept inching towards me as I was putting my stuff on the belt, closer and closer, he kept coming. Finally, I turned to him and asked him to please stay on the line. He started telling me that he was 5′11 and as far as he was concerned that he was in compliance. I told him, no, you are about 2 feet from me. Oh well, I guess he was inebriated but I was not about to get into it with him.This happened to me yesterday at the grocery store. Because of Covid19 the aisles are now one way with arrows on the floor in tape to show us which way to go and reminders to stay at least 6 feet apart. This is to keep people from passing each other in the aisles, thereby coming too close to each other. I was selecting coffee when a man approached me going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. He was not wearing a mask or gloves. Before he got too close to me I said, “sir, this is a one way aisle; please turn around.” He pushed his cart into mine and loudly proclaimed “that’s f-ing retarded and I ain’t doing it!” Then proceeded to “fake” cough in my direction. I quickly backed down the aisle and headed to the checkout area.The rudest thing that happened to me, happened by someone I know. I was online in the supermarket. It was early Monday morning as I worked from home and it was the easiest time to be in there. I was checking out and just finished loading my groceries on the belt. Suddenly my friend’s mother barrels in front of me and drops her stuff in front of me. “Oh, I am so glad I saw you. I am running late this morning and I promised I would bring breakfast for everyone. You have all day and no-one will notice when you start.” I replied, “Sorry Joan I have a call in 10 and I need to get home to take it.” Her response, “That’s OK you will be home on time, you can unpack while you are on your call.” She then turns to the cashier, “That’s OK she is fine with me going first.” Buy this shirt:  The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt I worked at a local grocery store and I was in line and I saw these group of girls being rung up by my co worker. The girls had a lot of items in their cart and when they were getting ready to pay their card was declined so they decided to pay in cash which led then to have to put some items back. While they were doing that a very tall guy behind them sneered at them while he said “you don’t gotta be holding up the St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt But I will love this line”. The girls just looked at him as if it was a joke then that guy said ”maybe you should not have gotten so much stuff in your cart”. I saw him starting to get angry and yell at these girls then one of the girls said “well maybe you should keep your comments to yourself dickhead”. I looked at them and they started to argue with the man who then said “maybe you should make more money then I mean why did you put that stuff in your cart if you can’t afford it?” Then the girls got like hostile and threatened to beat this guy up they had enough so they just walked out of the store while they said “rude and disrespectful beat your ass right now” afterwards my co worker rang up that man and I saw them mocking those girls after they left and my co worker had the audacity to agree with that man by telling him that they were wasting their time. I thought the whole thing was messed up if that customer did that in front of me I would have kicked him out of my line.I said “Excuse me, ma’am, would you mind if I went ahead of you? I’m in a hurry and I only have one item.” She gave me a nasty look and said “No. I’m in a hurry too.” I waited while the clerk rang up her items. The customer disputed the price of nearly every item as it was rung up, making the clerk explain to her what the correct price was. Finally all the items were rung up. The customer then reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of coupons and shuffled through it looking for ones that corresponded to her purchases. She handed about eight coupons to the clerk. Buy this shirt:  St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Release the snyder cut shirt I was the Release the snyder cut shirt In addition,I will do this cashier. Neither Customer A nor Customer B directly behind her had placed the little divider bar on the conveyor belt between their grocery orders, so it was impossible to see exactly where Customer A’s items left off and Customer B’s began. Neither of them said anything when I reached the end of one order and the beginning of another. I picked up a can of condensed soup and began to run it over the scanner, and suddenly Customer A reached out and slapped my hand so hard the can went flying out of my grip and landed back on the belt.“That’s not mine! What the hell are you doing? I’m not paying for her groceries!”I was too shocked for any meaningful reaction. I didn’t point out to her that I had no way of knowing it wasn’t her item, or that if I had scanned it into her order I could have easily taken it back off in a matter of seconds. It didn’t occur to me to report it to anyone, since it was a very economically depressed area where everyone was so desperate for any kind of employment that workers had no power over working conditions. Any complaint from a customer in that place resulted in immediate termination, and the customer’s word was always taken over the worker’s.So I just mumbled an apology and got her out of there as quickly as I could. My hand hurt, but it wasn’t injured or anything and was fine by the next day. But I’ll never forget that feeling of numb shock. Another day in the same job, this old guy I was checking out pointed at a picture of Oprah on the cover of a magazine in the rack by the register, leaned in, and said, “I don’t care what anyone says; she’s just another uppity n——.” I don’t know if he was trying to get a rise out of me or if he just assumed that as a small-town white person I would automatically agree with him, but again, I was just too surprised to react. I just finished his order as fast as possible without saying anything.So a few of you have asked why I didn’t park my cart at the beginning of the conveyor belt (the side furthest from the cashier) so this couldn’t/wouldn’t happen. Made sense. Buy this shirt:  Release the snyder cut shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt It was a few years ago and I was a new Supervisor in a very complex new technology being implemented to the I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt in addition I really love this the place of mechanical analog switching gear. The best brains were hired from all around the nation into the group. One of the seasoned and experienced supervisors ( very arrogant too) came to my desk with a stack of hardware/software trouble tickets. It was about 300 tickets. It was a Monday morning and he told me they all needed to be fixed by Friday – no exceptions. I took the tickets and didn’t understand any if them. I went to my team of techs and asked how do we fix these. They no idea. The supervisor continued to beat on me verbally everyday. The Friday came and as I again went through the tickets I noticed something. These tickets were over a year old!!! Why in the hell had they just get so critical!! He was just trying to jerk me around and put pressure on me. And we were equal levels of management! He had no right to assign me work. When he came over to my desk and towered over me he said how many have you gotten fixed? I said get away from my desk….. he didn’t move. I got angry and threw the whole stack of tickets at him and probably threw out a few expletives also. He crumbled like a sand castle being washed away by high tide. Never had a problem with him again.In these two incidents both these workers were quiet and kept to themselves and did their work as they were supposed to do. They never participated in gossip and just did their works but I think that this is also a case of where power is given to the wrong people. These supervisors thought they could talk and treat people however they wanted because of their status in the job and many people weren’t going to deal with their bs. I can write a book about all the bullying that took place before I worked up until the day I quit. The franchise manager was no better. Buy this shirt:  I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White I eventually transferred departments but got disqualified for pouring water onto a woman’s coat for giving me attitude. I went back to my old team and by that time, everyone hated me. I tried to talk to Phyllis but sh wasn’t having it at all. So I called her a Black Bitch out of spite and team leader (Gary) yelled at me to leave the Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White but I will buy this shirt and I will love this team and go to the manager’s desk. He wouldn’t let me get my coat and I blacked out and punched Phyllis so hard that she stumbled and fell over. Gary beat my ass so bad that 3 people had to restrain him and he had tears of rage in his eyes. My supervisor called security and ran and grabbed me and drug me to the HR office.I was a senior in college and had just turned twenty one. There was a very popular bar in the next big town over from mine, and a good friend (I’ll call him John, to keep his name private) had been promising to take me there on the first Saturday after that special birthday. John and I had gone through high school together and were good friends for almost eight years by now.I was so excited to go to this fancy bar for my first time ever. Even though I didn’t drink, John said it was a “rite of passage” and he’d be there for me. John was a tackle for our college football team, and was HUGE. His best friend, Al, was also on the team, and I think he was even bigger. They hung out a lot together and teased me about being so naive, so John and his friend decided they would BOTH be my escorts that evening.We drove up on Saturday evening around nine, when John and Al told me the bar would be packed and the most fun. They were right… it was jammed and had a large crowd trying to get into the door. There were a couple men checking the IDs, and one yelled in my face for mine. His manner was a little intimidating, but I immediately opened my wallet, intending to hand over my license. He shoved me backwards, and when he grabbed at my wallet my “good luck” coin flew out and rolled across the bar floor and was lost among the peanut shells. Buy this shirt:  Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt I worked as a babysitter and had a little business making custom pinatas for birthday parties when I was 12 and up, but got a part-time job at a Taco Bell when I was 16. I really wanted to work in the Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Besides,I will do this kitchen, but at that time (mid-1970s) only males were hired for those positions. The manager had me do clean-up jobs after the store closed, and would often stand there chatting at me while I did them. One night the male fry-cook also came to stand and stare at me while I was on my knees wiping down the nooks that held supplies (napkins, utensils, etc). They started verbally ganging up on me. I stood up, said “I quit!”, gathered up my things (don’t remember if I had a uniform or how that was handled), and left. The manager’s mouth was hanging open in shock. The company contacted me, I told them what happened. I have no idea what if any ramifications ensued.I took vocational training my senior year in high school as I needed to have a job as soon as I graduated. It was toll-operator training for AT&T, back in the days when phone operators still answered to “O” and credit-card calls and collect calls were handled by actual human beings who connected cords (old school!). The second semester, we worked part time in the office. From the beginning, the supervisor didn’t like me. After I graduated I only lasted a few months in the job because I noticed that she called me in for reviews much more frequently than anyone else and constantly criticized me. Her supervisors did an exit interview with me (because they had invested in my training), in which I told them I was being reviewed more frequently than anyone else. They asked me to wait while they checked, and they returned to say that in fact I was correct, I was being harassed, and offered me a much better job with management potential. I told them there was no way I was staying in a place where individuals could be treated like that, and split. Buy this shirt:  Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Yes, and the Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt and I love this wrong target he picked on was me. About a year and a half ago, my car broke down and I had no choice but to take the bus. I hated it and prayed I would soon save up enough money to get my car fixed. There is a bus stop in front of the hospital where I work, and I had to sprint out there to catch the bus on time every night. I would wait on the curb so I could look down the street and see if the bus was coming. When I saw how a car jump the curb a few yards away and run up on the sidewalk, I started standing on the sidewalk closer to the bench where it was safer. Another employee of the hospital would ride his bike on the sidewalk behind me and scream at me to get out of his way as he rode past. The first time it happened, I nearly jumped out of my skin. WTF?! I looked at his back as he pedaled away and then looked at where I was standing. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with where I was! I wasn’t blocking a designated bike path, I was on a walkway assigned to pedestrians. I blew it off and put it out of my mind. The next night, it happened again. This time, I couldn’t hear what he said because I was wearing my earphones. I discovered that listening to music on my phone through earphones was a wonderful deterrent for unwanted conversation from drunks, and I used mine often with religious zeal. The harassment at the bus stop continued to happen night after night. I tried changing my position, but it didn’t help. One night, when the bus had pulled up and opened its doors, he deliberately rode very slowly in front of me, blocking my way, so that I couldn’t board the bus before the doors closed. I shouted to the driver to wait, but he left and the guy on the bike took off down the street. I had to wait another forty minutes for the next bus home, and I still had to get up early for work the next day. I was really pissed, but determined to do something about it. The hateful little bast–d had made it personal, and the reason no longer mattered. The next day at work, I discussed the problem with a friend of mine, and thought over a few suggestions we had tossed back and forth. Buy this shirt:  Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt

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Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 1

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 2

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 2

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 3

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 3

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 4

Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White - from piscenlit.com 4

My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt I thought it odd as weirdly I’ve been there and it’s the My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt in addition I really love this back of beyond but I didn’t really think that much about it at the time. The Russians are going to want that £80,000 he personally received from them, back. Its an eye for an eye situationThey must be screwing up big time if they’re cranking up the Blame Russia rhetoric Borisov Johnsonski is not happy.Well, they got Brexit and the party they donated large sums of money to is in power, so I’d say the Russians were pretty successful. No one has asked to look in to the effect on our democracy AND the PM LIED. Not surprising given how readily our Tory Government accepts millions in donations from Russian oligarchs and people with links to the Kremlin.The weaker the EU, the more they laugh in Russia, China and the Trumptower WhiteHouse. As everyone is really intelligent and well researched on every topic, wasn’t this report a total waste of time. Spoiler alert: SFA is a hot favourite)Considering the alternative was a Corbyn lead government I don’t see why Russia needed to bother in the first place.It was getting bad due to online shopping but covid has been the final nail in the coffin for many. I am from Bournemouth and went down the high street the other day, shocking to see how many shops are shutting. However, I think this is totally demoralising for nurses, other healthcare workers, supermarket staff, HGV drivers and for all who have worked throughout the pandemic these workers should be given the rise that they deserve. Buy this shirt:  My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was at a grocery store last week late at night as I wanted to avoid crowds. There was a line where people had to stand for social distancing. When it was my turn I started putting my items on the The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories shirt But I will love this conveyor belt. There was a guy behind me with one bottle of Sake. He kept inching towards me as I was putting my stuff on the belt, closer and closer, he kept coming. Finally, I turned to him and asked him to please stay on the line. He started telling me that he was 5′11 and as far as he was concerned that he was in compliance. I told him, no, you are about 2 feet from me. Oh well, I guess he was inebriated but I was not about to get into it with him.This happened to me yesterday at the grocery store. Because of Covid19 the aisles are now one way with arrows on the floor in tape to show us which way to go and reminders to stay at least 6 feet apart. This is to keep people from passing each other in the aisles, thereby coming too close to each other. I was selecting coffee when a man approached me going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. He was not wearing a mask or gloves. Before he got too close to me I said, “sir, this is a one way aisle; please turn around.” He pushed his cart into mine and loudly proclaimed “that’s f-ing retarded and I ain’t doing it!” Then proceeded to “fake” cough in my direction. I quickly backed down the aisle and headed to the checkout area.The rudest thing that happened to me, happened by someone I know. I was online in the supermarket. It was early Monday morning as I worked from home and it was the easiest time to be in there. I was checking out and just finished loading my groceries on the belt. Suddenly my friend’s mother barrels in front of me and drops her stuff in front of me. “Oh, I am so glad I saw you. I am running late this morning and I promised I would bring breakfast for everyone. You have all day and no-one will notice when you start.” I replied, “Sorry Joan I have a call in 10 and I need to get home to take it.” Her response, “That’s OK you will be home on time, you can unpack while you are on your call.” She then turns to the cashier, “That’s OK she is fine with me going first.” Buy this shirt:  The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt I worked at a local grocery store and I was in line and I saw these group of girls being rung up by my co worker. The girls had a lot of items in their cart and when they were getting ready to pay their card was declined so they decided to pay in cash which led then to have to put some items back. While they were doing that a very tall guy behind them sneered at them while he said “you don’t gotta be holding up the St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt But I will love this line”. The girls just looked at him as if it was a joke then that guy said ”maybe you should not have gotten so much stuff in your cart”. I saw him starting to get angry and yell at these girls then one of the girls said “well maybe you should keep your comments to yourself dickhead”. I looked at them and they started to argue with the man who then said “maybe you should make more money then I mean why did you put that stuff in your cart if you can’t afford it?” Then the girls got like hostile and threatened to beat this guy up they had enough so they just walked out of the store while they said “rude and disrespectful beat your ass right now” afterwards my co worker rang up that man and I saw them mocking those girls after they left and my co worker had the audacity to agree with that man by telling him that they were wasting their time. I thought the whole thing was messed up if that customer did that in front of me I would have kicked him out of my line.I said “Excuse me, ma’am, would you mind if I went ahead of you? I’m in a hurry and I only have one item.” She gave me a nasty look and said “No. I’m in a hurry too.” I waited while the clerk rang up her items. The customer disputed the price of nearly every item as it was rung up, making the clerk explain to her what the correct price was. Finally all the items were rung up. The customer then reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of coupons and shuffled through it looking for ones that corresponded to her purchases. She handed about eight coupons to the clerk. Buy this shirt:  St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Release the snyder cut shirt I was the Release the snyder cut shirt In addition,I will do this cashier. Neither Customer A nor Customer B directly behind her had placed the little divider bar on the conveyor belt between their grocery orders, so it was impossible to see exactly where Customer A’s items left off and Customer B’s began. Neither of them said anything when I reached the end of one order and the beginning of another. I picked up a can of condensed soup and began to run it over the scanner, and suddenly Customer A reached out and slapped my hand so hard the can went flying out of my grip and landed back on the belt.“That’s not mine! What the hell are you doing? I’m not paying for her groceries!”I was too shocked for any meaningful reaction. I didn’t point out to her that I had no way of knowing it wasn’t her item, or that if I had scanned it into her order I could have easily taken it back off in a matter of seconds. It didn’t occur to me to report it to anyone, since it was a very economically depressed area where everyone was so desperate for any kind of employment that workers had no power over working conditions. Any complaint from a customer in that place resulted in immediate termination, and the customer’s word was always taken over the worker’s.So I just mumbled an apology and got her out of there as quickly as I could. My hand hurt, but it wasn’t injured or anything and was fine by the next day. But I’ll never forget that feeling of numb shock. Another day in the same job, this old guy I was checking out pointed at a picture of Oprah on the cover of a magazine in the rack by the register, leaned in, and said, “I don’t care what anyone says; she’s just another uppity n——.” I don’t know if he was trying to get a rise out of me or if he just assumed that as a small-town white person I would automatically agree with him, but again, I was just too surprised to react. I just finished his order as fast as possible without saying anything.So a few of you have asked why I didn’t park my cart at the beginning of the conveyor belt (the side furthest from the cashier) so this couldn’t/wouldn’t happen. Made sense. Buy this shirt:  Release the snyder cut shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt It was a few years ago and I was a new Supervisor in a very complex new technology being implemented to the I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt in addition I really love this the place of mechanical analog switching gear. The best brains were hired from all around the nation into the group. One of the seasoned and experienced supervisors ( very arrogant too) came to my desk with a stack of hardware/software trouble tickets. It was about 300 tickets. It was a Monday morning and he told me they all needed to be fixed by Friday – no exceptions. I took the tickets and didn’t understand any if them. I went to my team of techs and asked how do we fix these. They no idea. The supervisor continued to beat on me verbally everyday. The Friday came and as I again went through the tickets I noticed something. These tickets were over a year old!!! Why in the hell had they just get so critical!! He was just trying to jerk me around and put pressure on me. And we were equal levels of management! He had no right to assign me work. When he came over to my desk and towered over me he said how many have you gotten fixed? I said get away from my desk….. he didn’t move. I got angry and threw the whole stack of tickets at him and probably threw out a few expletives also. He crumbled like a sand castle being washed away by high tide. Never had a problem with him again.In these two incidents both these workers were quiet and kept to themselves and did their work as they were supposed to do. They never participated in gossip and just did their works but I think that this is also a case of where power is given to the wrong people. These supervisors thought they could talk and treat people however they wanted because of their status in the job and many people weren’t going to deal with their bs. I can write a book about all the bullying that took place before I worked up until the day I quit. The franchise manager was no better. Buy this shirt:  I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White I eventually transferred departments but got disqualified for pouring water onto a woman’s coat for giving me attitude. I went back to my old team and by that time, everyone hated me. I tried to talk to Phyllis but sh wasn’t having it at all. So I called her a Black Bitch out of spite and team leader (Gary) yelled at me to leave the Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White but I will buy this shirt and I will love this team and go to the manager’s desk. He wouldn’t let me get my coat and I blacked out and punched Phyllis so hard that she stumbled and fell over. Gary beat my ass so bad that 3 people had to restrain him and he had tears of rage in his eyes. My supervisor called security and ran and grabbed me and drug me to the HR office.I was a senior in college and had just turned twenty one. There was a very popular bar in the next big town over from mine, and a good friend (I’ll call him John, to keep his name private) had been promising to take me there on the first Saturday after that special birthday. John and I had gone through high school together and were good friends for almost eight years by now.I was so excited to go to this fancy bar for my first time ever. Even though I didn’t drink, John said it was a “rite of passage” and he’d be there for me. John was a tackle for our college football team, and was HUGE. His best friend, Al, was also on the team, and I think he was even bigger. They hung out a lot together and teased me about being so naive, so John and his friend decided they would BOTH be my escorts that evening.We drove up on Saturday evening around nine, when John and Al told me the bar would be packed and the most fun. They were right… it was jammed and had a large crowd trying to get into the door. There were a couple men checking the IDs, and one yelled in my face for mine. His manner was a little intimidating, but I immediately opened my wallet, intending to hand over my license. He shoved me backwards, and when he grabbed at my wallet my “good luck” coin flew out and rolled across the bar floor and was lost among the peanut shells. Buy this shirt:  Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt I worked as a babysitter and had a little business making custom pinatas for birthday parties when I was 12 and up, but got a part-time job at a Taco Bell when I was 16. I really wanted to work in the Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Besides,I will do this kitchen, but at that time (mid-1970s) only males were hired for those positions. The manager had me do clean-up jobs after the store closed, and would often stand there chatting at me while I did them. One night the male fry-cook also came to stand and stare at me while I was on my knees wiping down the nooks that held supplies (napkins, utensils, etc). They started verbally ganging up on me. I stood up, said “I quit!”, gathered up my things (don’t remember if I had a uniform or how that was handled), and left. The manager’s mouth was hanging open in shock. The company contacted me, I told them what happened. I have no idea what if any ramifications ensued.I took vocational training my senior year in high school as I needed to have a job as soon as I graduated. It was toll-operator training for AT&T, back in the days when phone operators still answered to “O” and credit-card calls and collect calls were handled by actual human beings who connected cords (old school!). The second semester, we worked part time in the office. From the beginning, the supervisor didn’t like me. After I graduated I only lasted a few months in the job because I noticed that she called me in for reviews much more frequently than anyone else and constantly criticized me. Her supervisors did an exit interview with me (because they had invested in my training), in which I told them I was being reviewed more frequently than anyone else. They asked me to wait while they checked, and they returned to say that in fact I was correct, I was being harassed, and offered me a much better job with management potential. I told them there was no way I was staying in a place where individuals could be treated like that, and split. Buy this shirt:  Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Yes, and the Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt and I love this wrong target he picked on was me. About a year and a half ago, my car broke down and I had no choice but to take the bus. I hated it and prayed I would soon save up enough money to get my car fixed. There is a bus stop in front of the hospital where I work, and I had to sprint out there to catch the bus on time every night. I would wait on the curb so I could look down the street and see if the bus was coming. When I saw how a car jump the curb a few yards away and run up on the sidewalk, I started standing on the sidewalk closer to the bench where it was safer. Another employee of the hospital would ride his bike on the sidewalk behind me and scream at me to get out of his way as he rode past. The first time it happened, I nearly jumped out of my skin. WTF?! I looked at his back as he pedaled away and then looked at where I was standing. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with where I was! I wasn’t blocking a designated bike path, I was on a walkway assigned to pedestrians. I blew it off and put it out of my mind. The next night, it happened again. This time, I couldn’t hear what he said because I was wearing my earphones. I discovered that listening to music on my phone through earphones was a wonderful deterrent for unwanted conversation from drunks, and I used mine often with religious zeal. The harassment at the bus stop continued to happen night after night. I tried changing my position, but it didn’t help. One night, when the bus had pulled up and opened its doors, he deliberately rode very slowly in front of me, blocking my way, so that I couldn’t board the bus before the doors closed. I shouted to the driver to wait, but he left and the guy on the bike took off down the street. I had to wait another forty minutes for the next bus home, and I still had to get up early for work the next day. I was really pissed, but determined to do something about it. The hateful little bast–d had made it personal, and the reason no longer mattered. The next day at work, I discussed the problem with a friend of mine, and thought over a few suggestions we had tossed back and forth. Buy this shirt:  Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt I thought it odd as weirdly I’ve been there and it’s the My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt in addition I really love this back of beyond but I didn’t really think that much about it at the time. The Russians are going to want that £80,000 he personally received from them, back. Its an eye for an eye situationThey must be screwing up big time if they’re cranking up the Blame Russia rhetoric Borisov Johnsonski is not happy.Well, they got Brexit and the party they donated large sums of money to is in power, so I’d say the Russians were pretty successful. No one has asked to look in to the effect on our democracy AND the PM LIED. Not surprising given how readily our Tory Government accepts millions in donations from Russian oligarchs and people with links to the Kremlin.The weaker the EU, the more they laugh in Russia, China and the Trumptower WhiteHouse. As everyone is really intelligent and well researched on every topic, wasn’t this report a total waste of time. Spoiler alert: SFA is a hot favourite)Considering the alternative was a Corbyn lead government I don’t see why Russia needed to bother in the first place.It was getting bad due to online shopping but covid has been the final nail in the coffin for many. I am from Bournemouth and went down the high street the other day, shocking to see how many shops are shutting. However, I think this is totally demoralising for nurses, other healthcare workers, supermarket staff, HGV drivers and for all who have worked throughout the pandemic these workers should be given the rise that they deserve. Buy this shirt:  My whole family is crazy that shit didn’t just start with me shirt The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was at a grocery store last week late at night as I wanted to avoid crowds. There was a line where people had to stand for social distancing. When it was my turn I started putting my items on the The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories shirt But I will love this conveyor belt. There was a guy behind me with one bottle of Sake. He kept inching towards me as I was putting my stuff on the belt, closer and closer, he kept coming. Finally, I turned to him and asked him to please stay on the line. He started telling me that he was 5′11 and as far as he was concerned that he was in compliance. I told him, no, you are about 2 feet from me. Oh well, I guess he was inebriated but I was not about to get into it with him.This happened to me yesterday at the grocery store. Because of Covid19 the aisles are now one way with arrows on the floor in tape to show us which way to go and reminders to stay at least 6 feet apart. This is to keep people from passing each other in the aisles, thereby coming too close to each other. I was selecting coffee when a man approached me going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. He was not wearing a mask or gloves. Before he got too close to me I said, “sir, this is a one way aisle; please turn around.” He pushed his cart into mine and loudly proclaimed “that’s f-ing retarded and I ain’t doing it!” Then proceeded to “fake” cough in my direction. I quickly backed down the aisle and headed to the checkout area.The rudest thing that happened to me, happened by someone I know. I was online in the supermarket. It was early Monday morning as I worked from home and it was the easiest time to be in there. I was checking out and just finished loading my groceries on the belt. Suddenly my friend’s mother barrels in front of me and drops her stuff in front of me. “Oh, I am so glad I saw you. I am running late this morning and I promised I would bring breakfast for everyone. You have all day and no-one will notice when you start.” I replied, “Sorry Joan I have a call in 10 and I need to get home to take it.” Her response, “That’s OK you will be home on time, you can unpack while you are on your call.” She then turns to the cashier, “That’s OK she is fine with me going first.” Buy this shirt:  The Matrix 22nd anniversary 1999-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt I worked at a local grocery store and I was in line and I saw these group of girls being rung up by my co worker. The girls had a lot of items in their cart and when they were getting ready to pay their card was declined so they decided to pay in cash which led then to have to put some items back. While they were doing that a very tall guy behind them sneered at them while he said “you don’t gotta be holding up the St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt But I will love this line”. The girls just looked at him as if it was a joke then that guy said ”maybe you should not have gotten so much stuff in your cart”. I saw him starting to get angry and yell at these girls then one of the girls said “well maybe you should keep your comments to yourself dickhead”. I looked at them and they started to argue with the man who then said “maybe you should make more money then I mean why did you put that stuff in your cart if you can’t afford it?” Then the girls got like hostile and threatened to beat this guy up they had enough so they just walked out of the store while they said “rude and disrespectful beat your ass right now” afterwards my co worker rang up that man and I saw them mocking those girls after they left and my co worker had the audacity to agree with that man by telling him that they were wasting their time. I thought the whole thing was messed up if that customer did that in front of me I would have kicked him out of my line.I said “Excuse me, ma’am, would you mind if I went ahead of you? I’m in a hurry and I only have one item.” She gave me a nasty look and said “No. I’m in a hurry too.” I waited while the clerk rang up her items. The customer disputed the price of nearly every item as it was rung up, making the clerk explain to her what the correct price was. Finally all the items were rung up. The customer then reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of coupons and shuffled through it looking for ones that corresponded to her purchases. She handed about eight coupons to the clerk. Buy this shirt:  St.Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m a big girl shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Release the snyder cut shirt I was the Release the snyder cut shirt In addition,I will do this cashier. Neither Customer A nor Customer B directly behind her had placed the little divider bar on the conveyor belt between their grocery orders, so it was impossible to see exactly where Customer A’s items left off and Customer B’s began. Neither of them said anything when I reached the end of one order and the beginning of another. I picked up a can of condensed soup and began to run it over the scanner, and suddenly Customer A reached out and slapped my hand so hard the can went flying out of my grip and landed back on the belt.“That’s not mine! What the hell are you doing? I’m not paying for her groceries!”I was too shocked for any meaningful reaction. I didn’t point out to her that I had no way of knowing it wasn’t her item, or that if I had scanned it into her order I could have easily taken it back off in a matter of seconds. It didn’t occur to me to report it to anyone, since it was a very economically depressed area where everyone was so desperate for any kind of employment that workers had no power over working conditions. Any complaint from a customer in that place resulted in immediate termination, and the customer’s word was always taken over the worker’s.So I just mumbled an apology and got her out of there as quickly as I could. My hand hurt, but it wasn’t injured or anything and was fine by the next day. But I’ll never forget that feeling of numb shock. Another day in the same job, this old guy I was checking out pointed at a picture of Oprah on the cover of a magazine in the rack by the register, leaned in, and said, “I don’t care what anyone says; she’s just another uppity n——.” I don’t know if he was trying to get a rise out of me or if he just assumed that as a small-town white person I would automatically agree with him, but again, I was just too surprised to react. I just finished his order as fast as possible without saying anything.So a few of you have asked why I didn’t park my cart at the beginning of the conveyor belt (the side furthest from the cashier) so this couldn’t/wouldn’t happen. Made sense. Buy this shirt:  Release the snyder cut shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt It was a few years ago and I was a new Supervisor in a very complex new technology being implemented to the I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt in addition I really love this the place of mechanical analog switching gear. The best brains were hired from all around the nation into the group. One of the seasoned and experienced supervisors ( very arrogant too) came to my desk with a stack of hardware/software trouble tickets. It was about 300 tickets. It was a Monday morning and he told me they all needed to be fixed by Friday – no exceptions. I took the tickets and didn’t understand any if them. I went to my team of techs and asked how do we fix these. They no idea. The supervisor continued to beat on me verbally everyday. The Friday came and as I again went through the tickets I noticed something. These tickets were over a year old!!! Why in the hell had they just get so critical!! He was just trying to jerk me around and put pressure on me. And we were equal levels of management! He had no right to assign me work. When he came over to my desk and towered over me he said how many have you gotten fixed? I said get away from my desk….. he didn’t move. I got angry and threw the whole stack of tickets at him and probably threw out a few expletives also. He crumbled like a sand castle being washed away by high tide. Never had a problem with him again.In these two incidents both these workers were quiet and kept to themselves and did their work as they were supposed to do. They never participated in gossip and just did their works but I think that this is also a case of where power is given to the wrong people. These supervisors thought they could talk and treat people however they wanted because of their status in the job and many people weren’t going to deal with their bs. I can write a book about all the bullying that took place before I worked up until the day I quit. The franchise manager was no better. Buy this shirt:  I’ll raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White I eventually transferred departments but got disqualified for pouring water onto a woman’s coat for giving me attitude. I went back to my old team and by that time, everyone hated me. I tried to talk to Phyllis but sh wasn’t having it at all. So I called her a Black Bitch out of spite and team leader (Gary) yelled at me to leave the Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White but I will buy this shirt and I will love this team and go to the manager’s desk. He wouldn’t let me get my coat and I blacked out and punched Phyllis so hard that she stumbled and fell over. Gary beat my ass so bad that 3 people had to restrain him and he had tears of rage in his eyes. My supervisor called security and ran and grabbed me and drug me to the HR office.I was a senior in college and had just turned twenty one. There was a very popular bar in the next big town over from mine, and a good friend (I’ll call him John, to keep his name private) had been promising to take me there on the first Saturday after that special birthday. John and I had gone through high school together and were good friends for almost eight years by now.I was so excited to go to this fancy bar for my first time ever. Even though I didn’t drink, John said it was a “rite of passage” and he’d be there for me. John was a tackle for our college football team, and was HUGE. His best friend, Al, was also on the team, and I think he was even bigger. They hung out a lot together and teased me about being so naive, so John and his friend decided they would BOTH be my escorts that evening.We drove up on Saturday evening around nine, when John and Al told me the bar would be packed and the most fun. They were right… it was jammed and had a large crowd trying to get into the door. There were a couple men checking the IDs, and one yelled in my face for mine. His manner was a little intimidating, but I immediately opened my wallet, intending to hand over my license. He shoved me backwards, and when he grabbed at my wallet my “good luck” coin flew out and rolled across the bar floor and was lost among the peanut shells. Buy this shirt:  Machine Operator Hated By Many Loved By Plenty Heart On His Sleeve Fire In His Soul Tshirts White Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt I worked as a babysitter and had a little business making custom pinatas for birthday parties when I was 12 and up, but got a part-time job at a Taco Bell when I was 16. I really wanted to work in the Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Besides,I will do this kitchen, but at that time (mid-1970s) only males were hired for those positions. The manager had me do clean-up jobs after the store closed, and would often stand there chatting at me while I did them. One night the male fry-cook also came to stand and stare at me while I was on my knees wiping down the nooks that held supplies (napkins, utensils, etc). They started verbally ganging up on me. I stood up, said “I quit!”, gathered up my things (don’t remember if I had a uniform or how that was handled), and left. The manager’s mouth was hanging open in shock. The company contacted me, I told them what happened. I have no idea what if any ramifications ensued.I took vocational training my senior year in high school as I needed to have a job as soon as I graduated. It was toll-operator training for AT&T, back in the days when phone operators still answered to “O” and credit-card calls and collect calls were handled by actual human beings who connected cords (old school!). The second semester, we worked part time in the office. From the beginning, the supervisor didn’t like me. After I graduated I only lasted a few months in the job because I noticed that she called me in for reviews much more frequently than anyone else and constantly criticized me. Her supervisors did an exit interview with me (because they had invested in my training), in which I told them I was being reviewed more frequently than anyone else. They asked me to wait while they checked, and they returned to say that in fact I was correct, I was being harassed, and offered me a much better job with management potential. I told them there was no way I was staying in a place where individuals could be treated like that, and split. Buy this shirt:  Fishing recommended for 2021 t-shirt Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt Yes, and the Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt and I love this wrong target he picked on was me. About a year and a half ago, my car broke down and I had no choice but to take the bus. I hated it and prayed I would soon save up enough money to get my car fixed. There is a bus stop in front of the hospital where I work, and I had to sprint out there to catch the bus on time every night. I would wait on the curb so I could look down the street and see if the bus was coming. When I saw how a car jump the curb a few yards away and run up on the sidewalk, I started standing on the sidewalk closer to the bench where it was safer. Another employee of the hospital would ride his bike on the sidewalk behind me and scream at me to get out of his way as he rode past. The first time it happened, I nearly jumped out of my skin. WTF?! I looked at his back as he pedaled away and then looked at where I was standing. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with where I was! I wasn’t blocking a designated bike path, I was on a walkway assigned to pedestrians. I blew it off and put it out of my mind. The next night, it happened again. This time, I couldn’t hear what he said because I was wearing my earphones. I discovered that listening to music on my phone through earphones was a wonderful deterrent for unwanted conversation from drunks, and I used mine often with religious zeal. The harassment at the bus stop continued to happen night after night. I tried changing my position, but it didn’t help. One night, when the bus had pulled up and opened its doors, he deliberately rode very slowly in front of me, blocking my way, so that I couldn’t board the bus before the doors closed. I shouted to the driver to wait, but he left and the guy on the bike took off down the street. I had to wait another forty minutes for the next bus home, and I still had to get up early for work the next day. I was really pissed, but determined to do something about it. The hateful little bast–d had made it personal, and the reason no longer mattered. The next day at work, I discussed the problem with a friend of mine, and thought over a few suggestions we had tossed back and forth. Buy this shirt:  Fibromyalgia Awareness in may we wear purple shirt

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